As a coach, my role goes far beyond simply accepting the responses of my clients. It’s more about fostering an environment that encourages introspection and challenge for growth.

I believe that a meaningful coaching relationship is built on the foundation of an honest dialogue.

For example, when I ask my clients about their goals or feelings, I strive to dig deeper. “Why this goal and not another?“Where’s your evidence?”or “Who agrees with you?”

By challenging their responses, I help them uncover insights that may have remained hidden, pushing them to think critically about their choices and behaviours.

This ‘disobedient approach isn’t about creating conflict; it’s about raising their self- awareness.

Clients often hold outdated beliefs or limitations that they accept without question.

By encouraging them to question their assumptions and consider alternative perspectives, I enable them to construct a more empowering narrative for themselves.

And I won’t be able to do this if I remain an obedient coach.

This is where true transformation happens—when we challenge, explore, and redefine our approaches take them forward.

Corporate Coach Academy (CCA) is the World’s Top 3 ICF Coaching School and Top Coaching Provider in Malaysia. It is known for its ICF coaching programs Malaysia and offers the best Corporate Coaching services

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