I’ve always believed that forgiveness is important, but it’s not always easy for me.

There are people in my life who have hurt some-right from childhood to adulthood, even this very day

I’ve tried to forgive them, telling myself it is for an act of faith and for my own peace of mind.

I want to let go of the anger and move on….. memories-hurtful memories of what happened still linger.

Every time I think about those hurts, I feel a mix of emotions: sadness, anger, and confusion.

I can say I’ve forgiven them, but the pain never quite goes away. It’s like a scar that reminds me of the experience.

I know I can’t change the past, and I want to heal, but forgetting seems very tough on me.

Now I have come to terms with it: that forgiveness doesn’t mean I have to forget. I don’t think this is wrong as I’m trying to learn from those experiences.

They teach me what I don’t want in my life and help me understand how to protect myself.

It’s still ’work in progress’ for me—still learning that it’s okay to carry those memories as I work on healing.

Actually, forgiveness is a complicated affair, but it’s a step toward finding my own inner peace… and its ok to say ’I forgive (even though I can’t forget).

Corporate Coach Academy (CCA) has groomed thousands of global coaches since 2003. It offers four coaching programs accredited by International Coaching Federation (ICF); Certified Associate Coach, Certified Professional Coach, Certified Master Coach and Group & Team Coaching.

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