Q: There are two burning questions that are slowing me down in deciding to be in the sales profession. The first one is whether an introvert like me with average social skills can make the grade and the other is what critical traits are needed to be successful.
A: You should not be too worried about the answers to these two questions as there is really no hard and fast rule for anyone to be successful if they really want to. Remember, ‘if there is a will, there is a way’. Many of the best sales people do not fit into all the desired successful sales professional characteristics. They just make it happen for them.
The reality is, to be successful in anything, be it in a selling or non-selling profession, a personality built on the virtues of positive attitude, high integrity and sincerity will surpass all other traits. Other skills can be easily acquired when you take good care to grow your personality. For a good feel of what a good sales personality is really like, recall a time when you bought something from a sales person who impressed you, and also a time when you did not buy from someone because you were turned off by them.
- What are five words to describe the sales professional in you?
- What is a special quality you have more than many?
- What do you want focus on from now?
- Who can help you to succeed?
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