Q: I recently resigned from my job to become a business owner as I had enough of being an employee for so many years.  Now I can set my own rules for others to follow rather than letting others set them for me. Being new, I want to ensure I am doing all the right things so that my business can flourish quickly. What advice can you give me?

A: The best way is usually through leveraging on your good self, people relationships, resources and the expertise of others with good track records. This will shorten your learning curve and also help you to gain access to opportunities easier and faster.

Let us explore this a little. There are basically 3 ways to leverage.

  1. The closest one is to leverage on your life purpose, business goal and direction. Find out which of your attributes can be deployed here. Next is to leverage on people you are familiar with and can be trusted.  Make them either your partners, customers, employees or any role that can support your business.
  2. The other one is to assess what resources you have that can support your business; be it finance, property, equipment and so forth.
  3. Lastly, you can also leverage on the services of a professional coach to become your close partner in your journey to make your dreams come true.


  • What kind of business owner are you?
  • What is the goal of your business?
  • What can you leverage on, internally and externally?
  • How will you leverage on them in the most cost-effective way?

Corporate Coach Academy (CCA) has groomed thousands of global coaches since 2003. It offers a range of programs such as Coaching and Mentoring Training, Coach Training Programs, Coaching Culture Program Malaysia and ICF Coaching Programs Malaysia

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