Graduating as a Certified Master Coach gave me a moment to pause and truly consider the journey – one that’s filled with moments of feeling both underwhelmed and overwhelmed.

We all have those days where the routine feels mundane, where our efforts seem to vanish into thin air. Those are the underwhelming days, the ones that make us question our impact and purpose and usually, the time I get myself into trouble looking to fill the void.
On the other end, there are the overwhelming days, where the weight of responsibilities seems insurmountable. Balancing multiple roles often feels like juggling a hundred balls in the air, each demanding attention, often at the detriment of my poor husband – sorry babe!

On reflection, I’ve come to realize that mastery coaching isn’t just about acquiring new skills. It’s about finding that delicate balance – that sweet spot between underwhelmed and overwhelmed – and understanding how my daily choices shape my being and therefore, how I “show up”.

For Coaching Culture International it means embracing a deeper level of empathy, understanding, and connection with those we coach. It’s about fostering a culture where personal and professional growth is not just encouraged but expected.

For Safeguard ADHD Parenting, it’s a reminder of why I do what I do. It’s about offering real, heartfelt support to ADHD families, guiding them through their unique challenges with compassion and hope. It’s about helping parents find that same balance in their lives, so they can be the steady, confident anchors their children need (or at best, present and not yelling).

Even on the best days, the dance between underwhelmed and overwhelmed plays out. The key is recognizing that every moment, every choice I make, impacts not just what I do, but who I am. It’s in these choices that I find myself and in my actions, I shape my path forward (coupled with 10,000 steps 3x a week).
I’m incredibly grateful. Here’s to finding balance between the “whelms” and moving forward with hope and intention.

Michelle Achuthan is an ADHD Parenting Coach, Coaching Culture Advocate & Advertising Communication Specialist. 
Corporate Coach Academy (CCA) has groomed thousands of global coaches since 2003. It offers four coaching programs accredited by International Coaching Federation (ICF); Certified Associate Coach, Certified Professional Coach, Certified Master Coach and Group & Team Coaching.

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